The selfie is not real. Its not a tangible object, it is merely something that we as a culture has developed since the birth of the camera phone, which then led to social media being the platform it is today. Some people cringe at the selfie…some people LOVE a good selfie. For me, believe it or not, i’m not a total fan of creating the selfie…but you know when it happens and you feel good about it. Well that feeling is what I am a fan of for sure.
And I’m happy when I am conforming to current beauty standards.
I’m happy if my teeth look nice..
I’m happy if I get lots of likes and comments.
Because even through I’m educated in how the media distorts our image of beauty, I still feel the urge to conform to an impossible body type.
And addressing these issues over the last 12 month journey of self discovery and the selfie has been a bitter tough pill to swallow.
So I’m not here to bash the selfie….you know what I wish for? That more people would take pictures of themselves. That people would collect a bank of themselves and their lives. That having your picture taken is not for vanity, as this belief system is in the place of the idea that only people who think they look good would share a picture of themselves. We need to dismantle the belief that being happy in your skin and who you are is not vanity. Its self-love…its self-care. Fall in love with your life!
Right back to the post..
The selfie is not real…so how could I make it real. How could I create something that was real. This led me onto the Collage.
By deconstructing the images and text found in mass culture magazines, printing the iPhone selfies and then constructing new worlds that do not exist…if you want to see the truth, we need to pull apart the Status Quo.